
The [body] table accepts a series of keys representing the different types that could be submitted via HTTP. Only one of those types can be defined, attempting to use more than one would render the request invalid.

In this first version only four types are supported, but all these types in conjunction with the appropriate headers are enough to represent all possible mime types.


Must contain the path to the file that will be sent as value. IMPORTANT, the path must be relative to the point where rede will be executed, not relative to the request file. Future implementations could change this behavior, but keep in mind that this is the current state. A valid alias for the key is file.

If no Content-Type is set in the request, using this type will set it to application/octet-stream.

body.binary = "$HOME/Videos/la caida de Edgar.mp4"


Must contain as a value the string representing the body content. Tip: TOML supports multiline strings for your JSONs and XMLs. A valid alias for the key is text.

If no Content-Type is set in the request, using this type will set it to text/plain.

raw = """
  "song": "Bohemian Rhapsody",
  "group": "Queen",
  "awesome": true


Similar to query params. Free table supporting everything except datetimes and tables as value. Array will be transformed into a comma-separated list of values. A valid alias for the key is form_url_encoded.

If no Content-Type is set in the request, using this type will set it to application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

username = "VeryDivorcedMan"
country = "za"


Free table but all its keys must be of type table having a single key of:

  • text with the text content.
  • file with the path to the binary file. Like in binary the path must be relative to the point of execution, not to the request file.

Having a single form key with two possible types would be invalid. A valid alias for the key is form_data.

If no Content-Type is set in the request, using this type will set it to multipart/form-data.