
rede (galician word for "net") is a command-line utility to help run suites of requests to ease the usage and testing of REST APIs. The main inspiration for this project comes from Bruno and their command line tool.

The main goal behind this project is to have a suite of text files representing HTTP requests that will be picked and executed by rede, allowing for easy sharing and control versioning of these requests.

Execution of rede

Request DSL

Rede requests are stored as plain text files, so they can be easily stored and shared in your project repositories via your favourite version control tool. You won't have to set a team with your peers to have a shared suite of request to test your application, you only need to push those files.

The DSL that rede uses is based on TOML as it's a simple and human-readable format that matches perfectly our needs. This is an example of a request that rede can execute:

method = "GET"
url = ""

Accept = "application/json"
User-Agent = "rede/v0.1.0"

limit = 1

Pretty easy to digest, right?

rede run

The main feature of rede is the command run. You can invoke it with the name of the file of your request and rede will execute it and return the results.

rede run with verbose


As this still an early stage of the project the package repository where it will be provided is cargo, so you would need to have Rust installed and run:

cargo install -p rede

Of course, if you have Rust installed you can also build it and/or install it yourself.

Another alternative is to download the latest binary from the releases page but only Linux binary will be available for the moment.

Minimal rede

If you won't use the input_params feature of rede, you can also install or build the tool without that feature.

cargo install -p rede --no-default-features

How to run

rede works using a DSL built on top of the TOML specification. All the documentation regarding rede's DSL can be found on the respective page. An easy way to boostrap a request following the DSL is running the rede example command.

It will generate a example.toml file looking like this.

method = "GET"
url = ""

Accept = "application/json"
User-Agent = "rede/v0.1.0"

limit = "{{limit}}"

limit.hint = "Number of facts to retrieve"

limit = 3

Once you have run this command, or redacted your own request, you will be ready to execute rede.

rede run <your_file>

And that's all you need to start making requests with rede, but that's not all you can do.

Request DSL

rede is built to work around TOML files modeling an HTTP request. This is an example of a pretty complex HTTP request following rede DSL.

method = "POST"
url = ""
version = "HTTP/1.1"

name = "Submit image"
description = "Uploads a new image"
author = "John Carmack"

Content-Type = "multipart/form-data"
Authorization = "Bearer {{BEARER_TOKEN}}"
Accept = "application/json"

username.text = "DoomGuy"
description.text = "Just chilling killing some demons"
image.file = "~/Pictures/hell/ripping_living_heart_from_demon.png"

We could explain the request that is being represented there, but this format is so readable that there's no need.


Each table ([table]) represents a section of an HTTP request and inside each one a series of keys or tables can be defined to provided all you need to represent the HTTP call.

Some considerations applying to the whole schema:

  • Only http is required, all the other tables are optional.
  • The order is not relevant. The order used in this section is only to improve readability.
  • Every valid TOML declaration is supported. There's no need to use the same as the examples here.
  • Any multiword key supports camel_case, lowercase and kebab-case.


This table accepts three possible keys:

  • url, string. The only key required in the whole DSL.
  • method, string. If omitted it will be GET. Accepts extension methods.
  • version, string of type HTTP/x.y. If omitted it will default to HTTP/1.1.
url = ""
method = "DELETE"
version = "HTTP/2.0"


This table is free. There's no predefined keys but all values must be strings. No transformation is applied to these headers so they must follow the HTTP restrictions.

date = "1970-01-01"
My-Own_Weird_Header = "its valid tho"

warning: some common headers like Host and Content-Type will be autogenerated by rede based on the other fields of the request. Future plans contemplate allowing the option to disable this autogeneration


This table is free. There's no predefined keys but the values can't be of type datetime or tables. Arrays are supported and will be sent in the request as a comma separated list of the values.

size = 10
genre = "scifi"
tags = [ "dystopia", "space" ]


The body is a table that can only contain a single key specifying the type of body and the respective content of the body as value. Defining more than one body type would return an error. The see all body types refer to the body page.

body.binary = "./doc/project_v2_final_final.pdf"
name = "Feldespato"
location = "unknown"


This table is free. There's no predefined keys but the values can't be of type datetime or tables. Arrays are supported and will be sent in the request as a comma separated list of the values.

Variables serve to set a value to replace placeholders (see).

host = ""
name = "Vin"


The input params table can have any key desired by the user, but they must be tables. These tables can be empty or can contain the following keys:

  • hint, string. A hint to the user when prompted to provide a value.
host = { hint = "The host of the API" }
id.hint = "The ID of the resource"

To know how the input parameters are used, refer to the input parameters page.


This table is free but the values must be one of the primitive values (string, integer, float or boolean). It allows you to add any meaningful meta information. One key is currently queried by rede but more could come in the future (for example, description):

  • name. If present, rede will use it to refer to the request instead of using the filename. _This works only for printing purposes, rede run still requires the filename.


The [body] table accepts a series of keys representing the different types that could be submitted via HTTP. Only one of those types can be defined, attempting to use more than one would render the request invalid.

In this first version only four types are supported, but all these types in conjunction with the appropriate headers are enough to represent all possible mime types.


Must contain the path to the file that will be sent as value. IMPORTANT, the path must be relative to the point where rede will be executed, not relative to the request file. Future implementations could change this behavior, but keep in mind that this is the current state. A valid alias for the key is file.

If no Content-Type is set in the request, using this type will set it to application/octet-stream.

body.binary = "$HOME/Videos/la caida de Edgar.mp4"


Must contain as a value the string representing the body content. Tip: TOML supports multiline strings for your JSONs and XMLs. A valid alias for the key is text.

If no Content-Type is set in the request, using this type will set it to text/plain.

raw = """
  "song": "Bohemian Rhapsody",
  "group": "Queen",
  "awesome": true


Similar to query params. Free table supporting everything except datetimes and tables as value. Array will be transformed into a comma-separated list of values. A valid alias for the key is form_url_encoded.

If no Content-Type is set in the request, using this type will set it to application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

username = "VeryDivorcedMan"
country = "za"


Free table but all its keys must be of type table having a single key of:

  • text with the text content.
  • file with the path to the binary file. Like in binary the path must be relative to the point of execution, not to the request file.

Having a single form key with two possible types would be invalid. A valid alias for the key is form_data.

If no Content-Type is set in the request, using this type will set it to multipart/form-data.

Input parameters

rede requests can have input parameters that can be used to customize the request execution based on inputs of the user in execution time. These parameters are defined in the request file and can be used in the URL, headers, query parameters, and body as placeholders.

The input parameters are defined in a table named input_params and can have any key desired by the user but only those present as placeholder in the request will be used in the request.

WARNING: environment variables take precedence over input params. Any environment variable matching the same key that an input param would "disallow it".

The input parameters can be defined with the following optional properties:

  • hint. A hint to the user when prompted to provide a value.
  • secret, not yet implemented.
  • choices, not yet implemented.


We have the following request

url = "{{host}}/api/{{version}}/user/{{id}}"

host = {}
version.hint = "The version of the API"
id = { hint = "The ID of the resource" }

version = "v1"

When running this request, the user will be prompted to provide the values for host, version, and id. For those inputs with a hint, it will be shown to the user. If the user doesn't provide a value for the values, the next option for the placeholder will be used (see).

Finishing the example, imagine that the user provided the following values:

  • host:
  • version: empty (so, it will use the default value set in [variables] v1)
  • id: 123

Then this user will be executing the request to


Placeholders are strings wrapped in double braces, like {{this}}. They can be the whole value of a string or can be a substring, for example: {{host}}/api/{{version}}/hello.


Placeholders can be given a value through different resolvers. These resolvers have a defined order and the first one providing a value will be the one that is used. If no resolver has a value for the placeholder then the request will fail unless the flag --allow-unresolved is provided.

The order of resolution is:

  1. Environment variables. They must match perfectly the placeholder and are case-sensitive.
  2. Input parameters, these will be input by the user when the request is executed.
  3. Variables, these are defined in a standard table similar to query params or headers, but this one is only aimed to provide values for placeholders.

Command Line Interface

The general way of running rede is using rede <subcommand>. The current supported subcommands are:

  • run
  • example
  • help, prints the help, same as rede --help.

rede supports infering for both, subcommands and arguments. That means that you can use substrings to match a command as long as there's no conflict. For example, this is valid way of using rede run with --verbose:

rede r --verb my_request

Global options

The following options of rede can be used with all subcommands.

  • --help, will print the help of the respective command.
  • --quiet, evades all standard output, only errors will be printed (to stderr).
  • --verbose, ups the number of printing messages.
  • --dry-run, see for each command.
  • --no-color, disables coloring in the outputs.

rede run

To execute requests in rede you need to use rede run. This command accepts a path to a file containing a valid rede request. The .toml extension is optional, but rede will only attempt to load files with that extension. By default, it will print the body of the response, or the status code if there's no body in the response.

rede run my_request

rede run is also ready to work with the stdin, so you can also use it in pipes:

cat my_request | rede run > response.json


rede run will automatically follow redirect response to arrive at the pointed resource. That means that unless this behavior is overridden run can't return 3xx responses. To disable this behavior you can use the --no-redirect flag.

On top of that, run will throw an error after 10 redirections followed in the same request, you can override this value with --max-redirects <value>


When using rede run with the different verbosity options this is what it will print (each level will print the same as the previous plus what is described):

  • quiet, will only print errors to stderr. The waiting spinner can show but it will be deleted.
  • standard, will print the response body. If it's empty, the response status code.
  • verbose, will print the request that it's being sent (including headers and body) and the whole response received (status, headers and body).

Other options

rede run supports the following options:

  • --pretty-print, specifies if formatting and jump lines should be applied to the response body. It's enabled by default, but it can be disabled via --pretty-print=false
  • --timeout, sets the maximum duration that the client should wait before giving a timeout. For example, --timeout 3s to wait max 3 seconds.

On top of that, it support the global --dry-run flag, this will execute all the steps to build the request but won't execute it. It's a good way to test your placeholders.

rede example

This command is intended to give a brief help to people starting with rede. In this first version using it will only output a message with an example of a request. It will also create a file named example.toml with that request. This allows to have a valid request to try the run command.

rede example
rede run example

This command is intended to provide example of different types of features in the future, but right now it's limited to just this

Running this command with --dry-run will print the example message bad it won't create the example file.


failed connection

rede was unable to establish a connection with the server. It could be down or the URL could be wrong.

failed request building

A part of your request is not correct, try looking into the cause to discern the reason.

invalid file

One of the files referenced in the request does not exist or can't be read. The most probable reson is that you defined a path relative to the request file, but the way rede works the path must be relative to the path from where you are executing rede.

invalid [REQUEST]

The request file specified in the command does not exist or can't be read.

invalid url

The parsed URL is invalid

unknown request error

Some error has occurred with your request that we didn't expect. You can create an issue in the repository to help you point out the issue or help us know about it to discern if we should give it its own error code and help.


The request has reached the maximum number of allowed redirections or some redirection loop has been detected.

spec violation

Two possible options. You have an invalid TOML or you are breaking the DSL. Follow the error cues to discern what it could be.

wrong http version

The endpoint of your request does not support the HTTP version defined in your request file.



As part of the development of rede the different parts of the logic were made into crates of their own. This allows for any developer to create their own tools following rede without the need to rewrite this logic.


These are the next planned features for rede v0.3:

Improve input parameters

Input parameters right now are kinda limited, future versions will allow for a bit more customization adding:

  • secret to accept parameters that should be hidden
  • choices to allow selection between a series of values.
  • type to constraint the input value.

Improved verbosity

We can currently have only three levels of verbosity, which is really limited, specially considering than one of those is "none at all". That's why next version the plan is to future five levels of verbosity.

  • quiet, like the current one, prints nothing at all.
  • discrete, prints only the body of the request, what the standard currently does.
    • It's possible that this one could be used as default when using rede run with stdin to allow easier piping.
  • standard, will print the opening, the status code and the body.
  • verbose, will be reduced from before. Will print the same as standard plus the method and url of the request and the headers of the response.
  • stfu, will have everything like the current verbose.

Header generation

Right now rede generates automatically some headers before executing the request. It makes sense to offer a way of turning down this feature. On top of that, right now rede doesn't generate a User-Agent header, and it should.

New body types

It would be a nice addition to support some new body keys to generate some common body types like JSON and XML without having to manually set the content type header.


Why is datetime not a valid value in any type?

Datetimes are easy to read, but not that easy to translate again into a string for the HTTP communication based on all the different formats that are possible. Accepting just a string representation with the expected format is the smoother way of handling it.

Does rede support GraphQL?

Yes, but right now it would require you some manual crafting. Just use POST, a body.raw and don't forget to set a Content-Type: application/graphql header.